
युग - युगीन नगर बयाना (श्रीप्रथ) यदुवंशियों की ऐतिहासिक राजधानी का शोध ---

  युग -युगीन नगर बयाना  (श्रीपथ) यदुवंशियों की ऐतिहासिक एवं  सांस्कृतिक राजधानी---- भरतपुर क्षेत्र के प्राचीन स्थलों में बयाना नामक नगर भी एक प्राचीन  एतिहासिक एवं  सांस्कृतिक नगर है जो कि दिल्ली से 220 किमी , आगरा से 95 किमी  तथा भरतपुर से लगभग 48 कि० मी० दक्षिण पश्चिम में स्थित है। बयाना भारत के इतिहास में महत्वपूर्ण  स्थान रखता है । इसका जितना महत्व हिन्दू काल में था उससे भी अधिक मुस्लिम काल में हो गया था ।  विविध नामों से विख्यात है बयाना नगर  ---  इतिहास में बयाना को विवध प्राचीन नामों बाणपुर , वाराणसी , श्रीप्रस्थ , या श्रीपुर से जाना जाता है ।उत्तर वैदिक काल में इस नगर को भंडका जनपथ कहते थे।महाजनपद काल में यह शूरसेन प्रदेश में स्थित था जिसकी राजधानी मथुरा थी। बयाना का  नाम समय-समय पर बदलता रहा है। पाणिनी  ने बयाना को श्री प्रस्थ कहा, गुप्तकाल में श्रीपथ या श्रीप्रस्था नाम से बयाना को जाना जाता था।  956 ई o के अभिलेख में जो ऊषा मन्दिर से प्राप्त हुआ था यहां के राजा लक्ष्मणसेन का उल्लेख है ।महाराजा विजयपाल के काल में ...

A Biography of Karauli Maharaja :Sir Bhom Pal Deo Bahadur Yadukul Chandra Bhal ,K.C.I.E.,---

A Biography of Karauli  Maharaja : Sir Bhom Pal Deo BahadurYadukul Chandra Bhal ——— Ancient History of Yadava Family of Karauli —-  The Yadava (modern Jadon  ) Rajputs who are represented by the ruling familier of Karauli and Jaisalmer , claim descent from the Yadav King of prayag (Allahabad ) and Muttra (Mathura) of whose early history very little is known. The name of Jadon is said to be derived from Yadu , the patronymie of the descendants of Buddha ,the progenitor of the Lunar race.  On the death of Sri Krishna,  the tribe was dispersed . Medieval Period History —- According to the Karauli authorities Maharaja Bijai Pal of Bayana the founder of Karauli Yadava rajput family  came from Muttra in A.D. 905 and built a fort on the hill Mani near the town of Bayana in Bharatpur.He ruled the country for filty-one years, till it was conquered by the Maharamadans under Abu Bakar Shah. Modern History —- In 1779 the State was much harassed by the Maharattas, and S...

Biography : Karauli Maharaja Sir Bhanwar Pal Dev Bahadur Yadukul Chandra Bhal --

Biography : Karauli Maharaja Sir Bhanwar Pal Deo Bahadur Yadukul Chandra Bhal , G.C.I.E., K.C.I.E., ——- Karauli Historical Outline--- Ancient Period-- The Jadon Rajputs ,who are represented by the ruling families of Karauli and Jaisalmer ,claim descent from Yadava Kings of Allahabad and Mathura ,of whose early history very little known.The name Jadon is said to be derived from Yadu , the patronymic of the descendants of Buddha ,the progenitor of the Lunar Race .On the death of Krishna the tribe was dispersed . The Maharaja of Karaulı is the head of the Jadon clan of Rajputs who claim descent from Krishna . In token of this claım all the members of the Karaulı famıly bear the distinguishing appellation of Pal, protectors (Pal) of cows, whereas the lion (Singh) does not respect the sacred anımal The Jadons, who have nearly always remained in or near the country of Brij around  Mathura , are said to have at one time held half of Alwar and the whole of Bharatpur, Karauli and Dholpur be...

A Historical Review on Lunar Race Real Yadava Tribe of Rajputs : Ancient to Present Day---

  A Historical Review on Lunar Race  Real Yadava Tribe of Rajputs : Ancient to  Present day --- King Yadu ---- The king Yadu was founder of the fifty-six tribes (Cha-pan- kula-Yadu) who obtained the universal sovereignty  of India, and was eldest son  from Yayati and Devayani. The Swayambhuma Manu, also called Vaivasvata Manu, or the man, lord of the earth, whose daughter Ella (Terra) was espoused by Budha  (Mercury), son of Chandra (the Moon), whence  the Yadus are styled Chandravansi, or children of  the moon. Budha was therefore worshipped as  the great ancestor and the progenitor of the Lunar race and previous to the apotheosis of Krishna was adored by all the Yadu race .The principal shrine of Budha was at Dwaraka ,where he still receives adoration as Budha Trivikramas , the triple energy , like the Hermes Triplex of Egypt. Who were the Yadus or Yadavas --- The word "Yadava " is admittedly a vedic patronymic derived from Yadu . Mahabhara...

History of Kotris of Yadavas (modernJadon) of Karauli State in Rajputana-----

History of Kotris of Yadavas (modernJadon) of Karauli State in Rajputana----- The Karauli yadava family all bear distinguishing appellation of Pal in token that they ,as descendants of Sri Krishna ,as protectors (pal) of cows,Where as the Lion (singh) does not respect the sacred animal. Leading Personages------ The leading men of Karauli are the nobles who are divided into Thikanedars , Bapotidars , and others;hereditary office -bearers ,and other officials. The Aristocracy----- The feudal aristocracy of the estate consists entirely of the Jadon/Jadaun or Jadu Thakurs connected with ruling house.They pay as tribute(kandi) a fixed sum ,which through nominally one -fourth of the produce of soil ,is in reality much less ,in fact less than half the share paid by common land-holders.This tribute is in lieu of constant military service, which is not performed inKarauli .But when military emergencies arise or state pageants occur the thakurs come with their retainers ,who on these occasions a...