
Showing posts from March, 2021

History of the Jadavas (Ancient Yadavas ) Rajputs of Eastern Rajasthan---

History of the Jadavas (Ancient Yadavas ) Rajputs of Eastern Rajasthan--- Besides the Jadu Bhatis of Jaisalmer, there were other clans enjoying political power in different parts of Rajasthan , who traced their descent from the ancient Indian hero Lunar race Jadu ( Yadu )eldest son of Yayati-Nahusha.They have styled themselves as Jadavas /Yadvas (Jaduvansis / Yaduvansis - meaning descended from Jadu/ Yadu) Kshatriyas. The only Hindu descendants of the Yaduvansis at the present day are the Jadons of the small state of Karauli , to the west of the Chambal and the Jadons of Sabalgarh , or Jadonvati , in the Gwalior territory to the east of that river.But the Musalmans acknowledged Jadon descent from a very large portion of the Eastern Rajputana  from Sohna and Alwar on the west of the Chambal on the east , and from the bank's of the Jamuna to Karauli and Sabalgarh on the South.These Jadon Musalmans are known as the Khanzadahs . The word "Yadava " is admittedly a vedic pat...

A Brief Sketch of the History of Tribhuvanagiri Fort and it's famous rular Kunwarpala of Jadon clan ---

A Brief Sketch of the History of Tribhuvangiri Fort and it's famous Rular Raja Kunwarpala of Jadon Clan   ---- Kunwarpala was the legitimate son and heir of Dharmpala .When Kunwarpala grew up , he built in Sambat 1153 a fort at Golari , near Jhiri on the Chambal , traces of which are still visible( Powlett .P ) .Kunwarpala cherished the desire of recovering Tahangarh and with that object he ingratiated himself with his uncle the usurper Har Pala , when on the first opportunity he murdered , after which event all Har Pala 's adherents joined him.Dharmpala was sent for from Dholdera , and Kunwar pala having thus restored his father to his rights returned to his for at Golari called Kawargarh .   Tribhuvangiri Fort history-- In the year A.H.592 ( A.D. 1196 ) , Muhammad Gauri and.Kutbu-d-din Aibak marched towards Thangar (Thangar or Tahangarh ) is the name of the fort near Bayana and the centre of idolotry and perdition became the abode of glory and splendour (Ettiot &D...

प्राचीन ऐतिहासिक नगर महावन का गौरवशाली अतीत -जदुवँश के शासकों की वीरता एवं शौर्यता का प्रतीक --

प्राचीन ऐतिहासिक नगर महावन का गौरवशाली अतीत -जदुवंशी शासकों के शौर्य  एवं वीरता का प्रतीक ----- " प्राचीन काल के महाराज यदु के विभिन्न वंशजो से श्री कृष्ण के पौत्र वज्रनाभ जी के अतिरिक्त मध्यकाल में भी विस्मृत यदुवंशी (जादों ) पराक्रमी ,साहसी एव बलिदानी शासक  कुलचंद के बलिदान की जन्मभूमि , कर्मभूमि एवं  रणभूमि भी है यह पौराणिक ऐतिहासिक नगर महावन जिसकी महिमा का शब्दों में वर्णन करना पूर्णरूप से संभव नहीं।" श्री कृष्ण जी के तिरोधाम-गमन के बाद पुनः वासुदेव श्री कृष्ण के प्रपौत्र श्री वज्रनाभ जी को पांडवों ने ब्रज-प्रदेश का राजा बनाया था जो मथुरा के पौराणिक यादवों की शुरसैनी शाखा कहीं जाती है ।उस समय इस प्रदेश की दशा बहुत खराब थी ।मगध नरेश जरासंध के आक्रमणों ने इस मथुरा प्रदेश को तहस -नहस कर दिया था।वज्रनाभ जी  ने गोपों के कुल पुरोहित महर्षि शांडिल जी के आशीर्वाद से इस ब्रज प्रदेश में  गोवर्धन( दीर्घपुर  ),  मथुरा ,  महावन , गोकुल    (नंदीग्राम  ) और वरसाना आदि स्थान  सैनिक छावनी बनाये।और उद्धव जी के उपदेशानु...

Maharaja Tahanpala of Tahangarh: The ancestor of Karauli Jadon family and founder of Tahangarh fort ---

Maharaja Tahanpala of Tahangarh :The ancestor  of Karauli Jadon family and founder of Tahangarh Fort ----- According to the Karauli Raj bards , Tahanpala or Tribhuvanpala, was the eldest  son of Maharaja  Vijaypala ,after his father's  death remained for 12 years in concealment away from Bayana (Sripatha ,Shantipur ) but in sambat  1115(A.D.1058) he came there and abode in the house of his faithful foster -mother ,supporting himself partly by hunting .One day he pursued a wild boar to a cave in which the beast took refuge.On the Prince's approach an old  "Bairagi "emerged from the cave and asked why he was hunting his boar? Tahanpal apologized and related his history to the hermit ,who , interested and pleased by his manner , bestowed on him the philosopher's stone and directed him to established himself on the spot , where accordingly the fort of Tahangarh and it's fine tank were built. The site is 15 miles or  22Kms south -east of Bayana in a ran...

Maharaja Vijayapala of Bayana :The founder of Karauli Jadu family and Vijayamandirgarh ---

Maharaja Vijaypala of Bayana :The Founder of  Karauli Jadu Family & Vijayamandirgarh- -- The ancient Surasenas of the Mathura -Bayana area were by this time better known as Yadavas , still later they would also be called Jadons , Jadus etc .They thrived in the Mathura - Bayana area in  7th to 10 th century A.D.They are presently  also  known as Yaduvansis ,Yadus ,Jadus ,  Jaduvansis , Jadhavas Rajputs . A minor house of Jadons whose capital was Bayana alias Sripatha alias Tribhuvanagiri alias Tahangarh south-west of Delhi .In early times , Bayana was known by various names , which were probably kept under different ruling dynasties.Its very old name is said to be Santipura .Historically it is also known as Sripatha in Sanskrit version and Bayana in persian Version  dated VS.1226(A.D.1166 ). A royal Yadu house ruled from Bayana , over a kingdom which comprised the present districts of Bharatpur (Sripatha ) and Mathura with the king Jayendrapala /Ja...

दक्षिणायपथ के द्वारसमुद्र के चंद्रवंशीय यदुवंशी होयसल क्षत्रिय राजवंश का ऐतिहासिक अध्ययन--

दक्षिणापथ के अन्तर्गत द्वारसमुद्र के चन्द्रवंशीय यदुवंशी होयसल क्षत्रिय राजवंश का ऐतिहासिक अध्ययन--- मैसूर में बारहवीं शताब्दी में होयसल वंश का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ।होयसल अपने को चन्द्रवँशी यदुवंशी क्षत्रिय कह कर संबोधित करते है।यह वंश कर्नाटक के इतिहास में सबसे अधिक प्रसिद्ध राज वंश है।इस वंश के अधिकांश शासक जैन धर्म के अनुयायी थे जिनमें कुछ बाद में वैष्णव वन गये थे ।इस होयसल राजवंश की स्थापना में जैनाचार्य सुद्दुत वर्धमान ने सक्रिय सहायता की थी ।इस वंश की स्थापना के वे ही मूल प्रेरक थे। देवगिरि के राजवंश के समान द्वारसमुद्र का होयसल वंश भी यादवकुल का था।इस लिए इस वंश के राजाओं ने उत्कीर्ण लेखों में अपने को"यादवकुलतिलक "कहा है। तुंगभद्रा नदी का वाया किनारा भी बहुत प्रसिद्ध  था।विजयनगर के पूर्वगामी यदुवंशी क्षत्रिय होयसल नरेशों का प्रधान स्थान यही था।यह भाग उत्तरी भारत से अधिक दुर्गम है क्यों कि पठार दो हजार फीट के लगभग ऊंचा है। होयसलों के राज्य का क्षेत्र वर्तमान मैसूर प्रदेश में था , और उनकी राजधानी द्वारसमुद्र थी।शुरू में उनकी स्थिति सामन्त राजाओं की थी , जो कभी दक्षिण के च...