
Showing posts from September, 2020

Jadons of Mathura ----

  Jadon of Mathura -- 1. Som ,2. Buddh , 3.Pururuva or Ella ,4. Ayu ,5. Nahush ,6.Yayati , 7 . Yadu and Yaduvansh, The Jadon clan , of the early history of which very little is known , claims descent from the Yadu or Jadon kings.These monarchs , who in early days wee very powerful ,took their name from Yadu ,the patronymic of the descendants of Bhuddha , the progenitor of the Lunar race.The capital of the Yadus are said to have been Pryag (Allahabad ) , and subsequently Mathura (Muttra ) .On the death of Shri Krishna , the deified hero of the house  ,the tribe was dispersed and many of its members , including two of Krishna's sons, proceeded northwards beyond the Indus and settle there. The tribe is especially illustrious as the representative of Buddha ,whose direct descendants are always regarded as Yadus.The descendants of Yadu are known as Yadavas (puranic) presently they are known as Jadons of Karauli ,Bhatis of Jaisalmer ,Jadeja and Chudasamah of Kutch/Bhuj and J...

The glorious historical account of the Lunar race Yadu Rajputs ---

  The glorious historical account of the Lunar race Yadu Rajputs - -- Yadus /Jadus  ,Yadavas/ Jadhavas, Yaduvansis,Jaduvansis  ,Yadu-Bhatti ,Jadeja, Jadon /Jadaun Rajput’s  Origin History   ----- Chandravansh (Somavansha /Induvansha)--- -- The Lunar race.-- -- The lineage or race which claims descent from the moon. It is divided into two great branches, the Yadavas and Pauravas, respectively , descended from Yadu and Puru. Krishna belonged to the line of Yadu, and Dushayanta with the Kuru and Pando.      Classicaly ,Yadu ,or Yadava (Sanskrit word .It's hindi meaning  is Jadon . A tribe of Rajputs of the Chandravanshi division , who  profess to trace their origin in a direct line from Lord Shri Krishna .The Yadus are a well –known historical clan .Colonel Tod says that Yadu was the most illustrious of all the tribes of Ind and became the patronymic of the descendants of Buddha, progenitor of the Lunar (Indu )race . It i...

चन्द्रवंशी जादों (पुराणिक यादवा / ,यदुवंशी )क्षत्रियों के गौरव के प्रतीक प्राचीन विजयमन्दिरगढ़ दुर्ग का गौरवशाली इतिहास --

 Ki चन्द्रवंशी जादों (पुराणिक यादवा / ,यदुवंशी )क्षत्रियों के गौरव के प्रतीक प्राचीन विजयमन्दिरगढ़ दुर्ग का गौरवशाली इतिहास --- - इतिहास में बयाना को कई नामों से जाना जाता है ।प्राचीन काल (उत्तर वैदिक काल ) में यह  क्षेत्र भंडका , भदानका ,भंडा आदि  नामों से प्रचलित था।महाजनपदों के काल में यह क्षेत्र  यदुवंशियों राजाओं के शूरसेन प्रदेश में स्थित था जिसकी राजधानी मथुरापुरी थी ।इसके उपरान्त श्री कृष्ण के पौत्र अनिरुद्ध के समय में यह क्षेत्र शोणितपुर नाम से सम्बोधित किया गया।इसको बाणासुर की नगरी होने के कारण लोग इसको बाणासुरनगरी  होना भी मानते है ।कहा जाता है कि बाणासुर यहीं का रहने वाला था ।यहीं पर उसने अपनी पुत्री उषा का विवाह श्री कृष्ण के पौत्र अनिरुद्ध से किया था।यह उषा मन्दिर भी है जो कई बार मस्जिद व मन्दिर के रूप में तब्दील हो चुका है।इस नगर का प्राचीन इतिहास अनेक पौराणिक गाथाओं से भरा पड़ा है।पाणिनी ने बयाना को श्री प्रस्थ कहा है ,गुप्त काल में श्रीपथ , विष्णुवर्धन के समय में यह संतीपुर ,मथुरा के जदुवंशी  राजा विजयपाल के समय में (1043 ई0 ) में यह विजयमन्...

The Rulers of ancient Yadavas / Yaduvansis(modern Jadon/ Jadauns}) of Bayana( Santipur /Sripatha) andTribhuvangiri(Tahangarh /Timangarh /Thangarh)

The Rulers of Ancient Yadavas /Yaduvansis Lunar Race Kshatriya's ( modern Jadon) = of Bayana( Santipur /Sripatha) andTribhuvangiri(Tahangarh /Timangarh /Thangarh)------- The Jadons Kshatriyas ,of course ,claim descent from Krishna,the acknowledged Lord of Mathura after the death of Kansa.Their early history ,therefore ,consists of a number of the popular tales of Krishna derived from the Mahabharta and the Puranas. Some historian write the word Surasenas ,which were Jadavas ,or Jadovansis,to which race belonged both Krishna and his antagonist Kansa,the king of Mathura.Anciently they are real yadavas or Yaduvansis.The Jadon clan of Rajputs ,who claim descent of Shri Krishna's great grandson Bajranabh (Vjranabh was son of Aniruddha ). The jadons ,who have nearly always remained in or near the ancient  country of Sursena or Braj around Mathura (Muttra) ,are said to have at one time held half of Alwar and the whole of Bharatpur ,Karauli ,and Dholpur ,besides the British Districts o...

Historical Forts and some villages in Karauli State ---

  Historical Forts and some villages in Karauli State ---- There are twelve masonry forts in the Karauli State held by darbar troops---- 1-The Karauli fort or place , 2-Untgarh ,3-Mandrel,4-Naroli ,5-Sapotra ,6-Daulatpura ,7-Thali,8-Jambura ,9-Khuda ,10-Ninda ,11-Und,12-Khodai . From the fact of the garrisons of the forts ,with the exception of the city ,being chiefly Jadon Rajputs ,they have always been affected by any political agitation which might be disturbing the state ,and in which their own brethren were probably the prime movers .Thus Amolak Pal had to attack Utgarh inA.D.1798 ,and when Maharaja Narsingh Pal died ,the garrisons of Utgarh and Naroli defied the authority of the political agent and claimed to have a voice in the selection of the new chief .It became necessary to move troops against them ,but they submitted as soon as convinced of the resolution of the British Government to enforce it's orders .The numbers of the garrisons were much reduced , as also was th...

Historical Research of Lunar Race Yaduvanshi Bhatti Rajput of Jaisalmer State in Rajasthan----

  Historical Research of Lunar Race Yaduvanshi Bhatti Rajput of  Jaisalmer State in Rajasthan ---- Bhatti ( Sanskrit , bhatta , "Lord ") A Rajput sept.Of the Punjab branch Mr.Ibbetson ( Punjab Ethnography ,section 448 ) writes ---"Bhatti , the Punjab form of the Rajputana word Bhati , is the title of the great modern representatives of the ancient Yaduvansi Royal Rajput family , descendants of Krishna , and therefore of Lunar race. The state of Jaisalmer came into being around the eleventh century on the north- western horizon of India’s landscape. It was founded by the Yaduvanshi Bhati Rajput Kings. Since then, it continued to be a sovereign state till the independence of India (1). Its geographical location has been that of a frontier state. It always had to play the role of a battlefield or a  market-bridge between the Middle Asia and the rest of India. It was acclaimed with the title of “Defending Door on the Northern Front” because of its responsibility to ...