History of Lunar Race Yadava stock Sarvaiya Rajputs --
History of Lunar race Yadava stock Sarvaiya rajputs ---
Ancient History---
In the Yadav family, fifty-four degrees removed from Shri Adya Narayan (the primeval Lord), there flourished the celebrated Shri Krishna, believed to be the incarnation of God Vishnu. He established himself in Dwarka, where even up to the present day his image is worshipped as God. He had a son, named Samba, by his wife, Jambuvanti, who married Rama, the daughter of Kaubhand, prime minister to Bana sur, the king of Shonitpur in Egypt. He had a son by this wife, named Ushnik. When the Yadavas destroyed themselves Ushnik was in Shonitpur and thus escaped destruction. Banasur was after his death succeeded by Kaubhand and after his death Ushnik ascended the throne of Shonitpur. Devendra flourished in his line, 79th degree removed from him. He had four sons Aspat (Ugrasen) Gajpat, Narpat, and Bhupat. Of these Aspat embraced Mahomedanism; the descendants of Gajpat, esta- blished a large kingdom in Sorath and came to be known by the name of Chudasama after his son, Chud Chandra. Bhupat seized upon certain tracts in Marwad and became the founder of the Bhatti dynasty. The rulers of Jesalmere are his descendants. Narpat, his third son, assumed the title of Jam, having killed Feroze Shah, the ruling sovereign of Ghazni, and usurped his throne.
Medieval History--
Sarvaiyas come from a branch of the Chudasamas ,who are themselves a branch of the Samma rajputs .They ruled over Amreli , Hathasni ,Jesar ,Datha , Vasavad , Santhli , Chital , Kundla , Gohilwad , Chhatrasa , Chiroda , Chok ,Pan , Panigamand and other estates in Kathiawar .
In 1476 Sultan Mahmud also attacked Amreli, Kundla and other parganas which were under the control of the Sarvaiya Rajputs. The Sultan snatched away their giras and drove them out of their native place. The giras of Amreli belonged to two Sarvaiya brothers, namely Jesoji and Vejoji. As the giras was very dear to them, these brothers went into outlawry against the Sultan. They constantly harassed the officers of Sultan. They were so daring in their adventures that once, they stealthily went into the harem of Sultan at Uperkot (Junagadh) to kill him. However, finding the Sultan's Begum inadequately dressed, one brother returned. On being questioned by his brother, he related the fact by saying that 'Sister is not properly dressed.' The Begum who was a daughter of Rajput, knew that this was the weak spot in the Rajput character. She therefore, entreated for the safety of her married life. The two brothers acceded to her wish and retired from there. Thereafter, again near Sarkhej, they captured another Begum of the Sultan. But she was also allowed to go after calling her as their sister. Through the good offices of these Begums, the giras of these brothers was restored to them by the Sultan. Jesoji and Vejoji, thereafter gave in marriage their sister to Sultan. It is said that Jesoji built a town called Jesar and Vejoji a town bearing the name of 'Vejalku'. These villages were received by Bhim alias Sarva, the son of Ra Navghan II in 1498. From his name, the village came to be known as Sarva and hence these two brothers came to be known as Sarvaiyas.
Another story in about Sarvaiyas as follows:
The Chudasama Rajputs whose ancestors received the eighty-four villages round about Sarvi, were later on styled as Sarvaiyas.
Their Ranimanga-Barot's records mention that two cadets of the Chudasama-house, Jesa and Veja, not being satisfied with their share of this grant became outlaws; through mediation of a merchant named Vanarashi , they were reconciled and they received hundred and fifty villages of Amreli Taluka. It has been stated in Bhat's records that Sarvaiya Jagirdars were in possession of Vasavad, Bhadli and Chital, till they were driven out by the Kathis. The Saravaiya Rajputs were till recently Talukdars of seventh class in Datha. Aiyavej, Chok, Jaliya, Rohishala, Pa, Sanala, etc. in Gohilwad district.
After subduing the Thakors of Amreli and Kundla, Mahmud attacked Dwarka and destroyed its temple in 1473. He also crushed the Jhalas in 1486. Junagadh was fixed as the chief seat of Government and the thanas were established at many places. Mahmud Begada died in 1511. Among all his successors Bahadur Shah's brief but brilliant reign of a decade marks the last stage of Sultanate of Gujarat. He crushed the revolt of Amir Ishaq. son of Malik Ayaz in Kathiawar.
Talukah and Estates of Sarvaiya Rajputs in Kathiawar---
Origin of Sarvaiya Rajputs from the chief town Sarva---
It was formerly the chief town of the holding of the Sarvaiya Rajputs (a branch of the Chudásamas of Junagad) and the name of a parganah under the Moghal Government, is now a village under the Paliyad thánah. It is situated on the southern bank of the Goma river which flows into the Suk Bhadar opposite to Ránpur. Sarva is about eight miles east of Vichhia and the same distance west of Pályád. The nearest railway station is that of Botál which lies about fourteen miles to the south-east.A son of Chudásama Bhim of Bhádli son of Ra Noghán II of Junagad received the Chorási of Sarva in appanage from Bhadli, in about the first half of the twelfth century A.D. From this house sprung the Sarvaiyás of Amreli afterwards so famous . Sarvaiyás Jeso and Vejo of the Amreli family when deprived of their possessions by the Muhammadans went into outlawry, and some say that the Jesádhár village in the Gir is named after Jesa , and that Vejalkot in the same forest is named after Vejo, but it is usually attributed to Vinjal Vája. Afterwards when they established themselves in Und, Jeso held Háthasni and Vejo a neighbouring village called Jesar.
The Sarvaiyás of Sarva held that town till about A.D. 1710 when they were driven out by Kálo Kháchar, after which they joined their brethren in Und. Sarva has now sunk from its former importance to comparative insignificance.
1-Sanala estate--
Area-51 sq. miles.
Revenue.-2,700 rupees.
Pachanji and Rasaji, Sarvaiya Rajputs , are the present Talukdars. A tribute of Rs. 307 is paid by them to H. H. the Maharaja of Baroda and of Rs. 15 to H, H. the Nawab of Junagarh as Zortalbi Hukka. They have two independent tribute-payers. No civil and criminal granted to them. Sanala is 4 miles distant from Chok.
Residence-Sanala, Kathiawad; Bembay Presidency
2-Samadhiala Estate--
Area.-1 sq. mile. Population.-957.
Revenue.-8,000 rupees.
Koyaji and Janbai are the present share-holders, of whom the former belongs to the Sarvaiya Bajput caste and the latter to the Kathi of the Khachar clan. A tribute of Rs. 510 is paid by them to the Baroda State and of Rs. 8 to the Junagarh State as Zortalbi Hakka. They have no civil and criminal powers. Samadhiala is 8 miles to the west of Chok.
Residence. Samadhiala, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
Residence.-Pachhegam, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
3-Pah Estate--
Area-1 sq. mile. Population.-300.
Revenue.-2,550 rupees.
Baghji and Jiwabhai, Sarvaiya Rajputs by caste, are the present Talukdars. They pay a tribute of Rs. 307 to H. H. the Gaekwad of Baroda and Rs. 12 to H. H. the Nawab of Junagarh as Zortalbi Hakka. The Talukdars have two independent tribute-payers. No civil and crimi nal powers are enjoyed by them. Pah is 9 miles distant from Chok.
Residence.-Pah, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
4-Kanjarda Estate--
Area. 98 sq. miles. Population.-297.
Revenue.-2,500 rupees.
Khodoji, Sarvaiya Rajput , is the present Talukdar. He pays a tribute of Rs. 128 to the Baroda Darbar through the Political Agent of Kathiawad. The Talukdar has one independent tribute-payer. No civil and criminal powers are granted to him, Kanjarda is 8 miles distant from Palitana.
Residence.-Kanjarda, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
5-Jalia Manaji Estae--
Area 1 mile Population.-180.
Revenue. 2000 rupees.
Jasubha, by caste Survaiya Rajput, is the present Talukdar. A tri bute of Rs 31 is paid by him to the Gaekwad of Baroda He has one independent tribute-payer. No civil and criminal powers are enjoyed by him. Jalia Manaji is 5 miles distant from Chok.
Residence.-Jalia Manaji, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
6-Jalja Amraji Estate--
Area -1 sq. mile . Revenue.-2.200 rupees.
Koyaji, Sarvaiya Rajput by caste, is the present Talukdar. He pays a tribute of Rs. 128 to H. H. the Maharaja of Baroda and Rs. 8 to H. H. the Nawab of Junagarh as Zortalbi Hukka. The Talukdar has one independent tribute-payer. He has no civil and criminal powers. Jalia Amraji is 9 miles to the south-west of Palitana.
Residence. Jalia Amraji, Kathiawad: Bombay Presidency.
7-Dedarda Estate--
Area.-2 sq. miles. Population.-800.
Revenue. 4,100 rupees.
Jayashangji and Bhojrajji, Sarvaiya Rajputs by caste, are the present Talukdars. They pay a tribute of Rs. 103 to the Baroda Government. The Talukdars have two independent tribute-payers. They have no civil and criminal powers. Dedarda is 7 miles south-west from Palitana.
Residence. Dedarda, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
8-Datha Estate--
Area-50 sq. miles. Population.-9,355.
Revenue.-23,000 rupees.
Bavaji and Jasbhai, Sarvaiya Rajputs of the Chudasama branch, are the present Talukdars. Their ancestor, Bhim, was the second son of Rah Naundhan, the Chudasama king of Junagarh. This Rah died in 1098, and was succeeded by his eldest son Khengar II, while Bhim received in Giras a district of 84 villages together with the village of Sarva, from which the descendants of Bhim were known as Sarvaiya Rajputs. Afterwards they conquered the districts of Amreli and Hathasani, the former of which they made their seat of government. In 1476, when Mahmud Begada con quered Junagarh, Amreli fell into his hands; thereupon the Sarvaiya Sardars went to out-lawry against the Padshah. After twelve years they proceeded to Hathasani, and there they divided the estate into two parts, in which Jasoji received the village of Hathasani and Vijoji that of Jesur. Datha was then under the rule of the Mahomedan Emperor, but, after the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, the Thandar began to rule independently and harassed the subjects and the neighbouring Sardars. Thereupon the she pherds and Ahirs locked together and drove him from Datha. These people in their turn prove persecutive, and so the subjects asked the Sarvaiya Chief for help; whereupon Versoji, Kanoji and Meghrajji marched towards Datha and conquered it in 1754; thence it is held by their descendants to the present day. Subsequently some of their villages were conquered by the rulers of Bhavnagar and Junagarh, while some were divided between the other Sarvaiya Rajputs, so the Talukdars of Datha hold to the present day 24 villages. The Talukdars of Datha pay a tribute of Rs. 5,099 to H. H. the Gaekwad of Baroda and Rs. 299 to the Junagarh State as Zortalbi Hakka. They have two independent tribute-payers. No civil and criminal powers are enjoyed by them. Datha, on the banks of the Bagad river, is 4 miles from the sea and 15 miles south-west from Talaja.
Residence. Datha, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
9-Chok Estate--
Area-4 sq. miles. Population.-1,264.
Revenue.-6,800 rupees.
Dadaji and Devaji, Sarvaiya Rajputs by caste, are the present Talukdars,A tribute of Rs. 394 is paid by them to the Baroda State, and Rs. 23 to H. H. the Nawab of Junagarh as Zortalbi Hakka. The Talukdars have two in dependent tribute-payers. They have no civil and crimial powers. Chok is 10 miles south-west from Palitana.
Residence.-Chok, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
10-Chiroda Estate--
Area. 72 sq. miles. Population.-241. Revenue.-900 rupees.
Devi Sinh, a Sarvaiya Raj. by caste, is the present Chief. He pays Rs. 11123 to H. H. the Maharaja of Baroda, as a tribute, and Rs.12 to H. H. the Nawab of Junagarh as Zortalbi Hakka. The Talukdar has one independent tribute-payer. He has no civil and criminal powers. Chiroda is 6 miles dis tant from Chok.
Residence. Chiroda, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
11-Aiavej Estate--
Area-7 sq. miles Population-994. Revenue-5,200 rupees.
Hakaji and Shamlaji, the present Talukdars, belong to the Sarvaiya Rajput caste. They have no civil and criminal powers. They pay a tribute of Rs. 282 to H. H. the Gaekwad of Baroda, and to H. H. the Nawab of Junagarh, as a Zortalbi Hakka, Rs. 8. The Talukdars have two in dependent tribute payers.
Residence.-Aiavej, Und Sarvaiya, Kathiawad; Bombay Presidency.
1-History of Gujarat by J.W.Watson .
2-History of Gujarat by Edalji Dosabhai.
3-The History of Sindh by K.R.Malkani.
4-Bombay Gazetteers, Kathiawar III.p ,554.
5-The Golden book of India ,a Genealogical and Biographical Dictionary of the ruling Princes , Chiefs by Roper Lethoridge.
6-Imperial Gazetteer of India ,v, 11.p78.
7-The Rajputs of Saurashtra by Virbhadra Singh.
8-Yaduvamsh prakash .,pp.,263-287.
9-History of Kathiyawar from Earliest Times .,p177, by Harold Wilberforce -Bell.
10-Bombay Gazetteer , 8,p-489-90, 565-66, p124-126.
11-Glimpses of Bhartiya History by Rajendra Singh Kushwaha.
12-A History of the Indian State forces by HH Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II of Jaipur.
13-Gujarat State Gazetteers :Rajkot.
14-Gujrat state Gazetteer :Amreli 1972 .
15-Gazetteer of Bombay presidency , vol 9, part I ,p.129.
16-The Hind Rajasthan or The Annals of the Native states of India., Voll.2 , issue I, part 2.complied by Manu Nandshankar Mehta and Markand Nandshankar Mehta.
16-History of the Dhrangadhra state by C.Mayne.
Author- Dhirendra Singh Jadaun
Village-Larhota near Sasni
District-Hatharas ,Uttar Pradesh
Associate Prof in Agriculture
Shahid Captain Ripudaman Singh Govt.College ,Sawai madhopur 'Rajasthan ,322001.
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