A Historical approach To Samma Tribe of Yaduvanshi Lunar race Jadeja Rajputs --

A Historical approach of Samma Tribe Yaduvanshi Lunar race Jadeja Rajputs -- Jadejas the ruling clan in Kutch, with a strength of about 18,599 souls, found all over the province and especially numerous in Abdása and Kánthi, are the leading Hindu representatives of the old Sind tribe of Samma Rajputs. The present Sammás claim as Musalmáns a more or less Arab origin. But they, as well as the Jádejás, almost certainly belong to the great Yadav stock whose pedigree goes back to Sámba, son of Krishna , and who are probably the Sambasta and Sambus of Alexander's (325 B.c.) historians. Early in the eighth century (712), the Sammás are specially mentioned as coming, with dancing and the beating of drums, to meet the Arab conqueror Muhammad Kásim, and to have gladly accepted his rule.³ Under the Sumra dynasty (1025-1315 ), the Sammás probably maintained a half independent position in the south of Sind, and I would seem at several times between the eleventh and fourteenth centurie...