History of Chudasama Yaduvanshi Rajputs--

History of Chudasama Yaduvanshi Rajputs ---

The modern traditions of the Chúdásamá clan trace their origin to the Yadava race and more immediately to the Samma tribe of Nagar Thatha in Sindh. The name of the family is said to have been derived from Chúdáchandra the first ruler of Vanthali.(Kathiawár Gazetteer, 489). Traces of a different tradition are to be found in the Tuhfat-ul-Kirám (Elliot, I. 337) which gives a list of Chúdásammá's ancestors from Nuh (Noah), including not only Krishna the Yádava but also Ráma of the solar line. In this pedigree the Musalmán element is later than the others: but the attempt to combine the solar and lunar lines is a sure sign that the Samma clan was not of Hindu origin, and that it came under Hindu influence fairly late though before Sindh became a Musalman province. This being admitted it follows that the Sammas were one of the numerous tribes that entered India during the existence of the Turkish empire in Transoxiana (A.D. 560-c. 750). In this connection it is noteworthy that some of the Jáms bore such Turkish names as Tamáchi, Tughlik, and Sanjár.

The migration of the Sammas to Kacch is ascribed by the Tarikh-i-Tahiri (A.D. 1621) to the tyranny of the Súmra chiefs. The Sammas found Kacch in the possession of the Chawaras, who treated them kindly, and whom they requited by seizing the fort of Gúntri by a stratagem similar to that which brought about the fall of Giruár.

The date of the Chúdásamá settlement atVanthali  is usually fixed on traditional evidence, at about A.D. 875, but there is reason to think that this date is rather too early. In the first place it is worthy of notice that Chúdichandra, the traditional eponym of the family, is in the Tuhfat-ul-Kirám made a son of Jádam (Yádava) and only a great-grandson of Krishna himself, a fact which suggests that, if not entirely mythical, he was at all events a very distant ancestor of Múlaraja's opponent Grahári, and was not an actual ruler of Vanthalif. As regards Grahári's father Visvavaráha and his grandfather Múlarája, there is no reason to doubt that they were real persons, although it is very questionable whether the Chúdásamás were settled in Káthiáváda in their time. In the first place, the Morbi grant of Jáikadeva shows that the Jethvás had not been driven southwards before A.D. 907. Secondly Dharanivaráha's Vadhván grant proves that the Chápa family of Bhinmal were still supreme in Kathiáváda in A.D. 914: whereas the Tarikh-i-Tahiri's account of the Chúdásamá conquest of Kacch implies that the Cháwaras, who must be identified with the Chapas of Bhinmal, were losing their power when the Chúdásamás captured Gúntri, an event which must have preceded the settlement at Vantball in Kathiáváda. Beyond the fact that Málaraja Solanki transferred the capital to Anahilaváda in A.D. 942, we know nothing of the events which led to the break-up of the Bhinmal empire. But it is reasonable to suppose that between A.D. 920 and 940 the Chápas gradually lost ground and the Chúdásamás were able first to conquer Sindh and then to settle in Kathiáváda.-A. M. T. J.

Author—Dr Dhirendra Singh Jadaun
Village -Larhota,Sasni ,dust.Hathras ,UP
Associate prof. Shahid Captain Ripudaman Singh ,Govt .college ,Sawaimadhopur ,Rajasthan.


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