Historical Research on Zamindar Clans of Aligarh district including Hathras in 16 to 18th century with reference of Porach & Bangar clans of Jadon kshatriya's of Hatharas ,Mendu,Gidora, Dariyapur and Hasain ------

Historical Research on Zamindar Clans of Aligarh district including Hathras in 16 to 18th century with reference of Porach & Bangar clans of Jadon kshatriya's of Hatharas ,Mendu,Gidora, Dariyapur and Hasain  ------
An important effect of the Musalman invasion was the movement it induced among the Rajputs od western India.Displaced from their original homes they wandered eastwards in small bodies and different times ,and many such colonies were established in the Doab .The Dors were almost exterminated by the invading armies and the Badgujars were much weakened , though they appear at all times to have successfully maintained a conciliatory policy towards their Musalman overlords .Elsewhere the fighting races seem to have vanished , and their places were taken by the Chauhans , who occupied the north and west , being led thither by the descendants of Prithvi Raj Chauhan , the Jadons in the south and scattered colonies of the Gahlots , Pundirs ,Porach and many other clans .
The presence of Musalman Garrison's at Koil ,Jalali and elsewhere prevented the rise of the Rajputs to any eminence ; but in the rural tracts they seem to have remained undisturbed so long as they paid their tribute  , and in the course of time they acquired considerable power within the limits of their petty sphere of influence.
The distribution of rajput is very uneven ,they are found in large numbers in Aligarh ,Sikandra Rao and Hathras tahsils ,while elsewhere the figure is small ,except in Khair ,where they are mainly confined to the eastern tracts .they are chief proprietary caste in the district ,and their occupations are almost wholly agricultural ,since as cultivators they hold a very large area ,which they till with fair success.The rajput community comprises representatives of many clans through only a few are of much importance in this district .
Kshatriya's Clans in Aligarh and Hathras districts---
In 1833 ,the following rajput zamindar clans held possession in Aligarh district ; Jadon ,Chauhan ,Porach ,Pundir ,Gahlot ,Bhal , Jaiswar , Solanki ,Gaur ,Janghara ,Bangar ,Badgujar ,Baes,Kachhavaha  ,Rathor ,Dor ,Gaurahar ,Chhonkar ,Tomar and Kirar.
Clan-wise Distribution of Kshatriyas  in Aligarh and Hathras District ---

The Chauhans ---
The Chauhans are scattered all over the district , but are strongest in Khair ,Sikandra Rao and Aligarh , and in former days held almost the whole of the Khair ,Chandaus and Morthal par ganas.They trace their descent from the ancient rulers of Delhi , the ancestor of the Khair Chauhans being Raja Sangat , the great -grand son of Chahara Deva , the brother of Prithviraj ,one of whose numerous progeny settled in Khair.Some Chauhans especially in Sikandra Rao tahsil are descendants of Etah and Mainpuri Chauhan.Bhupal Singh of Khair was a great freedom fighter of 1857 of this clan.

The Jadons --

-Jadons are descendants of Lord Shri Krishna of pure ancient Yadava race  and through him from Yadu of  Lunar race  .Their home native place is Bayana in Bharatpur district after migration from Mathura in 1017 A.D.Those -living in this district appear to have come from Jalesar pargana of Etah district and Mahaban pargana of Mathura district.Jadons found in the district everywhere , but are far stronger in tahsil Koil and in paragnas Akrabad ,Sikandra Rao ,Khair .There are also found in Gorai ,Iglas ,Hatharas ,Atrauli pargnas also in small numbers.
Some of them (jadons ) are described as Chhonkars , Jaiswars and Porach of Hatharas tahsil are said to represent a branch of the Jadon clan.
Chhonkars are found in small numbers in Atrauli tahsil.Porach are found in large numbers in Hathras and Sikandra Rao tahsils .

The Pundirs--
The Pundirs are found chiefly in the Sikandra Rao and Koil tahsils .And in the former they hold large estates , their chief families being those of Sahaoli ,Akrabad ,Nai and Bijaigarh.They come in this district from Hardware in Saharanpur district under the leadership of Raja Damar Singh , who established himself first at Gambhira (Bijaigarh )  in the Akrabad paragana .Their fort was Bijaigarh , which took it's name from Bijai Singh brother of raja Damar Singh.Thakur Mahtab Singh and Mangal Singh were the great freedom fighters of Akrabad of this clan in 1857 mutiny .
The Badgujars --
They are strongest in Atrauli ,Sikandra Rao and Koil , in the last owning practically the whole of the Barauli pargana .

The Gahlots--

The Gahlots prince of Chitr married with the sister of Prithviraj Chauhan , and it is to this connection is due the presence of Gahlots in the Upper Duab .
They are chiefly found  in Hathras and Atrauli tahsils .They say that they came to assist the Chauhan prince of Delhi in his numerous wars , and reward he gave them over the lands of the Meos and the Dors .Chand Bardai mentions Gobind Rao ,Gahlot , as one of Prithiraj's auxiliaries .The Bulandshahr Gahlot say that they settled near Dasna under Raja Khuman at an early period .
The Tomar and Jangharas --
Tomars in Hathras ,Iglas and elsewhere ,the total including the Jangharas ,who in early days held most of the Iglas tahsil and claim descent from the Tomars of Delhi.

The Panwars --
They are found in small numbers in Hathras and Sikandra Rao tahsils .

The Bhale Sultan --
The Bhale Sultan of Sasni in Hathara are another ancient clan ,connected with the Khurja family in Bulandshahr , but their present possessions are very small.
The other clans include the Dors in Koil , Solankis of the Hathras pargana , Kachhwahas of Koil ,Rathods and Gaurahars of Atrauli are also found in small numbers and having probably crossed the Ganges from Badaun district .
History of Porach and Bangar Clan of Jadon Kshatriya's of  Aligarh district including Hathras , Hussain ,Mendu ,Daryapur and Gadora in Uttar Pradesh---

Why they called Porach --

They are jadon kshatriyas ,migrated from Bayana / Timangarh in 1196 A.D.They are descendants of raja Prathvi Pal son of Raja Timanpala of Timangarh presently in Karauli region. Prathvi Pala's two sons Kesh pal and Bhane pal left the fight in between Raja Kunwar pal and Mahmud Ghori and his commander Qutub-ud-din Aibak in 1196A.D at Timangarh battle . Due to this reason ( To left battle ) their descendants were called Porach and Bangar . Descents of Kesh pal were called porch and Bhane pal 's descents were called Bangar .They were found presently  in Hussain ,and Gidora area of Hathras district.
Porach clan of jadon kshatriyas  once Lords of  Daryapur ,Hatharas ,Mendu and Hasain , but all have now passed out of their hands .They are old settlers in the district and were contemporaries of the Dors rajput and Meos before the Musalman conquest .
The return  of 18 72 show only 82 Dors in this district which once almost entirely belonged to them .Non of the other rajput clans required any particular notice here ,Gaj Singh of Lakhnau among Jat and Porach thakurs of Hatharas.
The MB furnishes us valuable information regarding the zamindari  possessions of the poruch clan of jadon .According to tradition , they held 40 villages  in the central part of Hatharas pargana and 14 villages in the eastern part of pargana Mursan during the 16th century .These 54 villages were founded by the porach  zamindars .
There were three branches of the Porach ,one residing at Mendu ,the second at Hatharas and the third at Dariyapur .In 1752 A.D,Baran Singh ,the Jat chief ,prevailed upon the ‘ amil of the subadar ‘of Awadh to transfer to him the talluqa of Hatharas .In 1760 A.D ,the Jat raja of Bharatpur , Suraj Mal ,expelled Ratan Singh ,the porach talluqadar of Mendu and Hatharas.

Hasain Taluqa ----
Raja Ratan Singh ,the head of the Porach jadon tribe about 1760 A.D , shortly after his explusion from Mendu and Hatharas by Jats of Bharatpur Ratan Singh acquired Hasain taluqa .Ratan Singh retired to Farukhabad and subsequently acquired the favour of Nawal Singh of Bharatpur , who in 1770 A.D, gave him a Jagir , and allowed him to engage for taluqa Hasain . Hasain is  in pargana Sikandrarao. Neither Ratan Singh nor his predecessor had ever before had any portion of the taluka beyond a few houses in Hasain Khas .The arrangement in favour of Ratan Singh continued in force only until 1786 A.D ,when the Marhattas commenced .Ratan Singh died  in 1786 A.D and was succeded by his son Mitra Sen , who was deprived of the taluqa Hasain which was first given to an Afghan named Kotal Khan ,the  Kotal Khan give it to the Bapujee Sindhia and subsequently to French Commandars DeBoigne and Perron .When country came into hands of British ,the engagement was given to Mitra Sen  .In 1786 to 1808 A.D ,raja   retained no portion of the estate except three revenue free villages .After some time Mitra Sen found means to have himself admitted to engage the taluqa and from 1803 -04 to 1807 -08 A.D he was entered as the once engager for the revenue .
MitraSen ,who was deprived of the Hasain taluqa to his son  Jaswant Singh and grand son Narayan Singh .Narayan Singh mortgaged his rights to Raja Pirthi Singh of AwaMisa in the Muttra district and on his death in 1846 A.D was succeeded by his two widows as heirs .Rs 600 per annum was allowed to each of them .
   The Jadon taluqadar of Awa Misa is now in possession ,and the only  member of the old family now living is the childless widow of Narayan Singh .
The whole of the Mendu was mad over to Baran Singh Jat .The talluqa of Dariyapur remained intact till 1833 A.D and afterwards it was sold to one Mr . James .

Taluka Daryapur –

Daryapur was a village to the west of Sasni town and was the zamindari of   Porch jadon Rajput  , Mandata , who lived there .In other words we can say that it  was the head – quarters of the raja . This village is said to be very old Porach Jadon Rajput settlement .Mughal army use to camp in this village , which indicate that the Porach owed allegiance to the Mughal Court .Daryapur has a very ancient ‘ Varah –Devi ‘ temple ,where fairs are held four times in the year . A very unusual fair of ‘Kansa-Vadh’ is held here, which is very uncommon the area. As a center of the ‘Shakti-Upasana’ in the form of the ‘Varahi Chaumunda’, and the place hosting an unusual fair of the killing of Kansa by the Sri Krishna in the dwapar Yuga, it indicates toward some intimate connection of Daryapur with the then ruler of  Mthura, Raja Kansa, who was killed by Krishna, for his oppressive and cruel acts on people of the ‘Brij’. The old remains of the fort of the Poruch Rajputs are still visible. It appears that after taking over the Poruch Rajputs under his commands, . Nandram used their contigent to win some other areas and did not disturb them in the life, accept an allegiance and some moneyand materials as tribute including military equipments. The main reason for the subjugation of the Poruch Rajputs of Dariyapur, in the astimtion of Nandram, an astute player of the common sense, was the proximite to the mughals.Poarch Daryapur zamindar Mandata , who first assisted Nandram , the ancestor of the Hathras and Mursan family his descendents retained possession until the last settlement , when they borrowed money from  the Raja Awa-Misa who is know in possession of there estate.
Mendu Taluqa –
Raja Anirudh Singh , the son of Amar Singh , A porch rajput , ruled Mendu during Aurangzeb time .This appears from a verse of the famous Hindi poet Bhushan . It seems that the poet had some time visited the raja Anirudha Singh at Mendu , and was duely received and  rewarded by raja Anirudha Singh and for which the poet paid a eulogized tribute . Bhushan Eulogizes the qualities of the raja in hyperbolic terms .  Raja Anirudha Singh Gave full support to Nandram Jat ,in his attempt to take the Tochhigarh fort from Jadons , an attempt in which he was to lead the attack  near about 1660 A.D.Nandram had withheld revenue at the end of Shahjahan’s reign . Mendu was in possession of Jiwaram , the cusion of the raja Dayaram of Hathras. After the fall of the later in  1817 A.D . The graves of the Mrs. Clariss a Sophia Loeusa Wetrayes and miss. Eliza Westroys who died on 21 may 1827 A.D and 7 june 1827 respectively Existed of the village . They have been Livelled now.
The villages of Dariyapur, Madanpur, Tattarpur , Aliya, Mitai , Gajrauli, Hathras , Mendu , Lakhnu, Pabloi , Khonda Hazari and Garhi Qandhari were some of the important villages of the porch jamidars. The MB says that Mitrasen, founder of Mitai, was the founder of porch Clan. Semi-Islamic names like, Jalalsingh, Alisingh, Sikandear Singh and Dariyao Singh are found among the early porch Jamidars.
The  A’ in (Blochmann’s edition,add.7652 and or. 6552, texts) recordes “Suraj”, as one of the jamidar casts of Mahal Jaleshar of sarkar Agra. Suraj is obiously a missreading of porch , since in Persian writing the Omisssion of Dots is quite common . On the bassis of caste possesiion, this part of Hathras , containg the porch block of villages , may regionably by assigned to the mahal of jaleshar.
The porch held 19 full and four half villages as zamidars in parghna of Hathras in 1833. By 1868 , they were holding only one full village one third share of a village in the same parghna in parghna Mursan , there position had became in even verse.
Bangar Jadon rajput –

They are said to be really Jadon descended from certain Rupdas ,one of whose sons in some unexplained way became a Bangar and the other a Poarch .The Maksudpur Bangars ,who were leading member of the tribe ,have been converted to Islam .According to the tradition, the Bangar  rajput held the south –east corner of parghna Hathras and  south-west corner of pargana of sikandrarao . The MB says that thakur Keshav Singh founded the village keshonpur, and sitaram founded the village sithari . There area inthis district is very small. Abul Fazal recordes Bhakra or bankra as one of the Zamidar caste of mahal Jaleshar. Bhakrha or Bankhrah is a miss reading of Bangar . The south-east corner of hathras and south west corner of sikandra Rao , were the bangars were Zamidars, would dus seem to have belonged to the A’in’s Mahal of Jaleshar . why 1833, bangar possession was already much smaller then  before; and by 1866 they had been reduced to the status of “cultivators”.
References ---
1-Aligarh :A gazetted of the district gazetteers of United Provinces of Agra &Qudh ,Bill .4 , by H.R.Nevill , 1909.
2-Aligarh District :A Historical Survey ,Aligarh ,Chap.VII , p.173-189.by J.M.Siddiqi .
3-Misl Bandobast , Vazibul-Arza , Mauza Tochhi , Pargana Aligarh ,1281 Hi .Fasal ,year 1873A.D.
4-The Jat rulers of Upper Doab by Jagbir Singh.
5-Statistical ,descriptive and historical account of the northwestern Provinces of India ,Meerut division pt.I ,1874. Allahabad ,Bill.II.
6-J.Thorton , Report upon .The settlement of pergunnah Moordhany .Zillah Allyaarh ,Vide Allygurh ,Statics.pp.236 ,noted in Aligarh district.
7-Baber 's Memoirs.
8-Elliot History II .Appendix.
9-Indian Journal of Archaeology , Voll 2 ,No .4 ,2017 . Archaeological Gazetteer of Aligarh and Hathras districts with special reference to OCP and other Proti-Historic cultures of Indo-Gangetic plains by Editor Chief Vijay Kumar.
10-Smith W.H.settlement Report . 345 Aligarh district .Allahabad.
11-Raja Lachhaman Singh Bulandshahr Memo .
12-District . Census Handbook UP 6-Aligarh.
13-Board's Records ,31st August , 1822,No 7.
14-Uttar Pradesh district Gazetteers .Mathura , Govt of UP .1968 .
15-Crooke William C.A.1886 .The Tribes and Castes of North-Western India.Voll.I to V.
16-The Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North -West  Frontier section IV.by H.A.Rose.
17-Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of Punjab and North-West .Vol 1.
18-Sherring M.A.Hindu Tribes and Castes .Vol.I to III.
Investing .Punjab Castes.
S.H.M.Elliot .Supplemental Glossary of Terms used in N.W.P

Author -Dr Dhirendra Singh Jadaun
Village -Larhota near Sasni
District -Hatharas ,UP.
Associate Professor in Agriculture
Shahid Captain Ripudman Singh Govt.College , Sawaimadhopur , Rajasthan ,


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