Jadons of Mathura ----


Jadon of Mathura--
1. Som ,2. Buddh , 3.Pururuva or Ella ,4. Ayu ,5. Nahush ,6.Yayati ,

7. Yadu and Yaduvansh,

The Jadon clan , of the early history of which very little is known , claims descent from the Yadu or Jadon kings.These monarchs , who in early days wee very powerful ,took their name from Yadu ,the patronymic of the descendants of Bhuddha , the progenitor of the Lunar race.The capital of the Yadus are said to have been Pryag (Allahabad ) , and subsequently Mathura (Muttra ) .On the death of Shri Krishna , the deified hero of the house  ,the tribe was dispersed and many of its members , including two of Krishna's sons, proceeded northwards beyond the Indus and settle there.
The tribe is especially illustrious as the representative of Buddha ,whose direct descendants are always regarded as Yadus.The descendants of Yadu are known as Yadavas (puranic) presently they are known as Jadons of Karauli ,Bhatis of Jaisalmer ,Jadeja and Chudasamah of Kutch/Bhuj and Joonagarh . The original name has become strangely corrupted , and the race is now seldom designated as Yadus or Yaduvansa  ,but commonly by the term Jadu, or Jadon , orJadubansi.

The origin of the name Jadon --

The word Jadon ,is traced by  Sir Henry Elliot to Yadu or Yadav,but it would perhaps be more correct to say that Jadon ,Jadu ,Jadava ,and Yadava are etymologically the same,the former being corruptions of the last. Dr Hornle has pointed out ,Jadon might be simply a corruption of Jadava as Badon is for Badava.The word Jadava was no longer current in vernacular speech and had been superseded by the hindi Jadu (Badu).which by itself would not admit of expansion in to Jadon (Badon).

Puranic Yadus /Yadavas (Sanskrit ) means in Hindi  is Jadus /Jadon.The modern Bhatis ,Jadons and Jadejah are the real yadus or Yadava clan of Lunar race kshatriyas .
According to Vasistha,the priest of Raja Sudas in his prayers to Indra says( Rv.VII, 19 , 8.) that  the Yadava and Turvasa evidently means the distant descendants of Yadu and Turvasu  of Lunar race kshatriy kings , sons of Maharaja Yayati and his wife Devayani respectively , for the word Yadava is admittedly a Vedic patronymic derived from Yadu , and the word Turvasa is a derivative of the Vedic word Turvas , {Turvas being the Vedic form which stands for the Puranic form Turvasu ; the form Turvasu also is some times used in the Rgveda} .same is in case of Yadava and Yadu .Lines other than those preserved in the Puranas existed , as each king was the father , not of one son only ,but of many sons .

8. Kroshta,9Vrajnivan or Vrajpita, 10. Swahi king after Krostha, 11. Ushnak ,12. Chitrarath , 13. Sashibindu , 14. Bhoj, 15. Prithushrawa, 16. Dhamraa , 17. Ushna , 18. Ruchak , 19. Jyamagh ,
20. Vidharbh  -

Established thesouthern state of vidharbh. He had three sons named Krath,kaushik and rompad. One of the decendants of rompad was called chedi. He established the state of chedi, which known as chanderi .shishupal belongs to this state .

21. Krath , 22. Kunti or Kirti , 23. Dhrishti , 24. Nivriti , 25. Darshah , 26. Vyom ,27. Bhim , 28. Jimut , 29. Vikriti , 30. Bhimrath  , 31. Navrath , 32. Dashrath , 33. Shakuni , 34. Karibi , 35. Devrat , 36. Devshtra ,

37. Madhu   –

During his rule, yaduvansis became very powerful . The generation of king     Madhu, known as “Madhu Yadav” ruled from the South-Western states of Gujarat to Northern states of Yamuna River.
38. Kumarvansh (kuruvanshah) ,
39.  39. Anu (anshu) ,
40. Puruhota(purumitra) , 

41. Satvatta

He had six sons named Princes Bhajan, Bhajman , Divya , Devvardhan , Andhak, Mahabhoj, and Vrishnis . Andhak and Mahabhoj is one name called Andhakmahabhoj . The dynasties of Satvatta, Andhak and Vrishnis were known as, Satvatta Jadhav, Andhak Mahabhoj Jadhav and Vrishni jadhav respectively . The Satvatta was from the same time as the king Ramchandra of Ayodhya after lord Ram disappeared , the Ayodha kingdom lost its prestige . In a few generations, the states of Jadhava’s and Paurvas excelled and took the lead . The yaduvanshis had four states of which Andhka’s and Vrishnis were most significant.

Andhka’s  Descendents  --

His state was in Mathura and had two sons, Kukur and Bhajman .

1.Kukura’s generations  -

The generations of Kukur  were Drashanu , Kapotrom , Devattaviloman, Nal, Abhijit , Punarvasu , and Aahuk .

Aahuk -       

Aahuk had two sons , Devaka and Ugrasena . Devak's daughter  Devki was marrid to Vrishni prince Vasudeva and give born Lord Krishna . Ugrasena king of Mathura had a son whose named was Kansa.

2.Bhajman’s generations  -

Bhajman’s  Descendents were  Vidurath , Rajdhidev , shur, Shodashv, Shami , Pratikshrat , Hridik .

Hardik had five sons named --

Krativerma, Darvah, Devrath, Shatdhanva, and Devgarv. The eldest son  of Hridik prince Kritverma,inspite being of a Bhojvanshi , took Kauravas side during the great battle of Mahabharat.His younger brother Shatdhanva killed Shatrajeet , A Vrishni Yaduvanshi as well as father of Shri Krishna’s wife Satybhama. Retro actively, Krishna killed Shatvdhanva .

42. Vrishni –
King Vrishni had four sons named Sumitra , Anmitra, Yudhajeet and Devmudh(Devamidhusa).

The generations of Yudhajeet were Prasni- Svaphalka-Akrura.

Anmitra had two sons.
1.Nighna  -        A. Prasena , B.

Shastajeet- Satybhama

2.Shani    -        Satyka- Satyki (Yuyudhan) 

43. Devmidhusa       -          

44.  Sura - 1.Vsudeva -  ShriKrishna  ,  2. Devak – Udhava

Krishna falls the 4th step below Vrishni who according to the purans was the Bheem-Satvata as we have seen before .
ShriKrishna really was 12th generation below Satvata and hence 10th generation below Andhak , The brother of Vrishni . Krishna belonged to the line of Vrishni the son of Bheem Satvata and steps has been omitted between Vrishni and Devmidhusa so Shri Krishna was 12th in descent from Satvata , who was a contprery of Dashratha father of Lord Rama.

History of Sura (Soora ) family  -

Devmidhusa has one son Sura (Soorsen) with his wife Asmki . Sura and his  wife Marisha born ten sons incuding Vasudeva (Devbhag, Devshrva, Astak, Kakuchakra, Vatesdhark, Shrnjay, shyam, Shanik and Gandoos) and five daughters such as Prtha(kunti) , shrutdeva, Shurtkirti, Shrutshrva, and Rajadhidevi) .In all sons of Sura the descendents of Vsudeva and Devbhaga were very famous. Devbhaga had a son whose name was Udhava very famous in Vrishni’s . Vsudeva had 14 wifes in which Rohini, Indra, Baisakhi, Bhadra and Sunamni  these all belongs to paurav vansha . And Sahdeva, Shantideva , Shrideva , Devrakshta , Vrakdevi, Updevi, and Devki (all are daughter of Devaka , younger brother of Ugrasena.) . Other two wifes are Sutan and Vadva .

Rohini –

Rohini was the daughter of Vahik , elder brother of Maharaj Shantanu of Paurav vansh. Rohini born Balrama and other eight sons (Saran,Durdam,Daman,Sbhr,Pindarak,Nishav,Usinar,Kusitak and one daughter Chitra .Whose dead after birth.)

Devki    -

Devki born Lord Shri Krishna and six other sons whose were killed by Kansa.

Lord   ShriKrishna’s  Family

Shri Krishna married eight queens. Later on Krishna rescued 16, 100 princess from the captivity of one demon .These entire princesses requested Krishna to marry them. Lord Krishna obliged them and married to all of them . he expanded Himself into  16,108 and used to live
Simoultaneouslly with all of them in 16,108 palaces in Dwarka . Each wife on average has 10 sons.

The name of main eight wives of Krishana are as follows ….

The daughter of king Bhishmak of Kundanpur belong Vidarbha  branch of Yaduvansha .Raja vidarbha was from the same period of king Sagar of Ikshvaku vansha .Ten sons ,Prince Pradumna ,charudeshna .Sudeshna ,Mahavali ,Sushena ,Charugupt ,Charubahu ,Charuvind ,Sucharu ,Bhadrachuru and Charu .
One daughter was born ,her name was Charumati ,married with Bali son of Bhojavanshi yadava Kritivarma who was faught with Kurvas in Mahabharta War.

2.Jambvanti …
She was a daughter of Jamvanta , a brave Vanarraj in period of Lord Rama .She born ten sons ,Samba .Sumitra  ,Purujit , Shtajita ,Sahstrajit ,Vijay ,Chitraketu ,Vasuman ,Dravid ,Kratu and one daughter named Mitravati .

3. Satyabhama - 
She was a Vrashni yadava princess and daughter of Shatrajeeta .She born ten sons like Bhanu ,Chandrabhanu ,Vrahadbhanu ,Atibhanu ,Shribhanu,Pratibhnu ,Jarandham and one daughter named Mitravati.

4.Satya [Nagnjite] –
She was daughter of king Nagnjit of Kaushalpur [Ayodhya ].She born ten sons like ,Virchandra ,Ashavsen ,Chitrgu ,Vegavana ,Vrash ,Aam ,Shanku ,Vasu ,Shreemana ,Kunti and one daughter named Bhadravati .

5. Kalindi –
She was daughter of Aaaditya [surya] lived in Yamuna water.She born ten sons such as Shrut ,Vrash,Kavi, Subahu ,Bhadra ,Aekal ,Shantidarsh ,Purnmash ,and Somaka .

6. Lakshmana –
She was daughter of Brahtsena king of Madra Desha.Give born ten sons like Praghosha , Matravana ,Singh ,Bala ,Prabal ,Udhvarga ,Mahashkti ,Oaja ,Sah and Aparajita .

7. Mitravinda –
She was daughter of Krishna’s Buaa Rajadhidevi .Her father was Jaysena king of Avanti [Ujjen] .She had ten sons ,Vraka ,Harsha ,Anila ,Gradha ,Vardhana ,Unnada ,Mahasha ,Pavana ,Vahina ,and Kshudi .

8. Bhadra –
She was daughter of Shrutkirti sister of Vasudeva and Krishna’s Buaa.Her father was Kaikaya king Dhrshtketu and had ten sons ,Sangramjit ,Brahtsena ,Shoor ,Prahrana ,Arijita ,Jaya ,Subhdra ,Vaam ,Aayu and Satyaka.

Sons of Shri Krishna

There are thirteen sons in all were great werriors in that period incliding Pradumna ,Charudeshna ,Saamb ,Diptimana ,Bhanu , Madhu ,Chitrabhanu ,Vraka ,Kavi, Chitrabaahu ,Brahadbhanu ,Shrutadeva ,and Sunandan known in all world are famous.

Samb son of Jambavanti was married with Lakshmana daughter of  Duryodhana of Kaurva vansha of Hastinapura.He was also married with Gunvati daughter of demon Vajranabha .Samb was also married with daughter of Kushmanda in dwarika.
Gad was also married with daughter of Sunabha brother of Vajranabha demon .
Pradumna—He was married with Rukmvati  [also Subhangi in Harbamsa purana ,Vishnu purana also ]daughter of Rukmani’s brother Rukmi of Kundanpur in Vidarbha desa.They born Anirudha.

Aniruddha was married with Usha daughter of Vanasura  also married with Rochana [ Subhadra in Vishnu Purana ]  grand daughter of Rukmi brother of Rukmani and Vajranabha was born.Vjranabha has son Pratibahu ,Pratibahu’s son Subahu,Subahu’s son Shantsena ,Shantsena;s son was Shatsena

The end of Jadus (puranic Yadavas/Yaduvanshis/Jadavas/Jaduvanshis) Clan
When the war of Mahabharta ended making the Pandavas as the eventual winners ,they visited Hastinapur with Lord Krishna to meet their mother Kunti , and condol the death of all the Kauravas with their (Kauravas’s) parents Dhritarashtra and Gandhari.But ,as Lord Krishna bowed to show his respect to Gandhari , the mother of the Kauravas, she thundered: “ Krishna ! You alone could have checked this catastrophical war but you didn’t .So I curse you that as you have seen the Puru dynasty almost perish totally  ,the same shall be the fate of your Yadu clan as well.”
Lord Krishna , head-bowed ,accepted the curse and said: “O Grand Lady! Your curse is also pre-ordained .I know Ihave to witness that tragic end of my clan Yadu as well.”
After formally appointing Maharaja Yuddhisthar , the king of Hastinapur ,Lord Krishna left to Dwarika .
The conditions in Dwarika were not good .Owing to Krishna ‘s prolonged absence .his clan people had grown quite delinquent and tyrant .Moreover ,in order to avoid siding with any warring group in Mahabharata , Balrama had gone a long  pilgrimage  . With the result there was no controlling authority in Dwarika.With no check on their delinquency  and lots of wealth available ,Lord Shri Krishna family members  ,sons ,grandsons ,cousins etc.-had ceased to be virtuous .They had all grown addicted on various drugs and dirty habits .The Mahabharata War ,had also created dis-satisfaction in their rank and fdes .They would tolerate no interference in their villainous pranks .Often they would fight with their fellow  cousins . On returning to Dwarika  , Lord Krishna was quite unhappy seeing their rowdy behaviour .
After the bloody War of Mahabharata  ,the jadon’s clan was divided lot .Some still favoured  the Kauravas while other the Pandavas cause Kritaverma ,a Andhaka bhoja vanshi jadu  led one group and the other group was led by aVrashni vanshi Jadu Satayaki .Witj the result  ,their squabbles became an every day affair .Although Krishna tried to pacify them ,he didn’t succeed much.
One day Jadavas assembled in a place of pilgrimage near Dwarika called Pindarika. Some delinquent Jadava youth drank to the gills and their sizzled state they tried to make fool of the sages Kanva ,Vishwamitra and Narada .They dressed up Samba as though he was a pregnant woman .Then they brought the ‘Lady’  before the sages and asked: “O great Sages!  Tell us wheather this woman will deliver a son  or a daughter .’’ The Kanva saw through their mischief . Enraged at this insult , the sage declared angrily: “This person will give a birth to an iron club” , the sages further said: “ And this will destroy your entire clan.”
As predicated  , in due course a club came out of Samba’s body .When king Ugrasena heared about this curse , releasing the veracity of the sages curse , he had the club totally pulverised   and scattered on the ocean nearby . However , the ocean .A part of that club which couldn’t be pulverised had sunken in the ocean but a fish was managed to swallow it .Lateron  when the fish was caught by a fisherman , it emerged out of it when the fish’s stomach was  priced open .The fisherman threw it causally on the ground which was eventually gathered by a hunter called Jara ,who fashioned the iron piece as the pointed blade of his one arrow.
But exactly when all the jadavas were prepairing  to go to Prabhas-Kshetra , Uddhava quietly came to Lord Krishna , realising the Lord’s intension of queitting his mortal coil he supplicated privately before the Lord: “ O Lord! Please don’t leave us. We have became so used to living in your company, that we may nat servive without you hence if you plan to queit, please take us along.”
Then Lord Krishna told him, how he could be realised even, when not physicaly present We Reassuring Uddhava, the Lord said: “ I am present in every bit of the creations. You have to take inspiration from nature to realies me in my absence , as Dattarya did then he Narrated the ‘Avodhoota Pakhyan’ , centering on Duttarya’s getting Knowledge from nature .
Mean while ,on a holi occasion all the Jadus /Jadavas gathered around a place of pilgrimage on the holy mount in the Prabhas Kshetra .Only one Jadu  ,Uddhava  didn’t go to attend the ceremony at Prabhas Kshetra as he had left for doing his devoted penance on the Mount Gandhamadan. In prabhas , much against the custom the Yadavs began to drink and indulge in obsence pranks . Soon they lost their senses. They started to fight among themselves and picked up the reeds that were growing on the shores as weapons. Though Krishna did try to control the verserk jaduvanshis, they paid no head to Krishna’ advice.The intoxicated Satyaki got hold of a sword somehow and beheaded Kritvarma along with many others . This act had a ripple effect and other Andhak Bhoj Yaduvanshis called upon Satyaki in revenge and killed him along with Pradhumna. By this act, the Jadus in war polarized into two sides. Shri Krishna became angry by the death of his son Pradumna when he could not find any arms, he pulled out near by Grasses and trees which turn “Moosal” (watch the rishis curse here) threw which he cursed many of his opponents. Following Shri Krishna, armless Andhkas and rest of the Yaduvanshis also started pulling out plants and grasses which turn into iron moosals. By this act of the madness, Sham,Charudesan and Anirudha all got killed when Lord Krishna saw his sons and grandsons getting killed, called upon his Chakrasudarshna. Everything was finished within blink of an eye. Thus the was amongest yaduvanshis had began soon many dead at home front this war run for some period of time in which there was no defrenciean between wrong and right all swords or weapons and tecniques were used . when there was no remains of weapons,  the yaduvansis took on rocks,lathies, gadasas etc. This was intoreable to shri Krishna and Balrama .The remaning yaduvansis having realized there mistake started looking for Shri Krishna and Balrama . They found Balrama under a tree in deep meditation. Soon after, there came a white snake from his mouth and escaped towords Arabian sea after which Balram ji return to the Spiritual abode. This story reffirms the fact that was an avatar of Shesa Naag. Well, it was about the time for Gandharees curse to come into play. Then deeming the approaching extinction of the yaduvanshis as the will of the destiny, Krishna withdrew to a queit corner on the shore with his chariot driver , Daruka. Meanwhile, the Yadavas fought with each other to cause the extinction of their clan. Balrama had also left the fighting arena and retired to a queit Banyan. While moving around the shore Krishna and Daruka found …………
Shri Krishna recognizant of all this, went to the forest and sleep under a tree. From one of the camps of Kaboos , Jara was following a deer as his prey.from distance, he mistook Krishnas left foot for the deer’s ear and shoot arrows right on . when he came to claim his prey, he realized the mistake he had committed and began asking a lots forgivness. Krishna, while forgiving Jara kaboo, explain that in there previous lives, he as Lord Ram had killed him as Bali while hiding behind a tree. Soon after, Shri Krishna became queit and Jara retuned to the spiritual world. Lord Krishna is supreme personaliy of Godhead and he appeared on earth to protect his devotees and to eliminate the trouble makers and evil people after finishing his lila. Krishna retuned to his respective place in swarglok in the spiritual world. After there terrible times, Arjun come to dwarika and perform the Dah Sanskar of Krishna and Balrama with all other yaduvanshis in Prabhas kshetra. Upon his return to Dwarika , he brought together the  yaduvanshis widows, kids and oldmans with Vajrnabha great grandson of Shri Krishna   . And built protected camp for them. Afterwards, he started moving the camp to Mathura , as soon as he crossed the border of dwarika , the city of dwarika submerged in the sea along with the remains of its ancestors.When Arjuna crossed into the range of Aheervati ,the abhiraj attacked Arjun and the Yaduvanshsis . They kidnapped young widows, and kids . Arjuna was anable to protect them from  Abhiras.
Arjuna, while he was based at Indraprastha (Dehli), rehalibiated the Vrashnis branch of yadus under the leadership of Krishnas great grandson vajra. 


2-Mahabharta .
3-Vishnupurana .
4-Harivanshpurana .
7-Krishna in History ,Thought and Culture :An Encyclopedia of HinduLord by Lavanya Vemsani .
8-Krishna Deities and Their Miracles by Stephen Knapp.
9-Meghdutam of Mahakavi Kalidas.
10-The life and Times of Krishna .byJ.B.Patro.
11-History of Ancient India.by J.P.Mittal
12-Krishna :A journey through the Lands and Legends of Krishna .By Dev Prasad.
13-The complete Life of Krishna .By Devi Vanamali .
14-The story of Ancient Dwaraka .By Devi Vanamala.
15-Braj Centre of Krishna Pilgrimage by A.W.Entwistle and Forsten ,E.1987.pp123 ,132.
16-Mathura: A District Memoir  by F .S.Growse .

Author-Dr Dhirendra Singh Jadaun
Village-Larhota near Sasni
District-Hathras ,Uttar Pradesh ,204216.
Associate Prof in Agriculture
Shahid Captain Ripudaman Singh Govt.College ,Sawai madhopur 'Rajasthan ,322001.


  1. Yadava se achanak jadoun kaise naam hogaya? Aur vajranabh se karaoli jadon Raja ki continue vanshali b bataye sir please .


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