Biography : Karauli Maharaja Sir Bhanwar Pal Dev Bahadur Yadukul Chandra Bhal --

Biography : Karauli Maharaja Sir Bhanwar Pal Deo Bahadur Yadukul Chandra Bhal , G.C.I.E., K.C.I.E., ——-

Karauli Historical Outline---

Ancient Period--

The Jadon Rajputs ,who are represented by the ruling families of Karauli and Jaisalmer ,claim descent from Yadava Kings of Allahabad and Mathura ,of whose early history very little known.The name Jadon is said to be derived from Yadu , the patronymic of the descendants of Buddha ,the progenitor of the Lunar Race .On the death of Krishna the tribe was dispersed .

The Maharaja of Karaulı is the head of the Jadon clan of Rajputs who claim descent from Krishna . In token of this claım all the members of the Karaulı famıly bear the distinguishing appellation of Pal, protectors (Pal) of cows, whereas the lion (Singh) does not respect the sacred anımal The Jadons, who have nearly always remained in or near the country of Brij around  Mathura , are said to have at one time held half of Alwar and the whole of Bharatpur, Karauli and Dholpur besides the British districts of Gurgaon and Mathura , the greater part of Agra west of the Jumna, and portions of Gwalior lying along the Chambal. 

Medeival Period---

According to the Karauli authorities  Maharaja Vijaipal came from Mathura in A D.995 , said to have been eighty-eighth in descent from Krishna, established himself in Bayana, now belonging to Bharatpur, and built the fort on the hill Mani called Vijaymandirgarh overlooking that Bayana town . He rulled the country for 51 years till it was conquered by the Muhammadans under Abu Bakar Shah . His eldest son, Tahan Pala , built the well-known fort of Tahangaih, still in Karaulı territory,

about 1058 AD, and shortly after possessed himself of almost the country now comprising the Karaulı State, as well as a deal of land to the east as far as Dholpur . In 1196 A.D, time of Kunwar Pal, Muhammad Ghori and his general, Kutubdın, captured first Bayana and then Tahangarh, and on the whole  of the Jadon territory falling into the hands of the invardars.Kunwar Pal fled to a village in the Rewah State .One of his descendants , Arjun Pal, determined to recover the territory of his ancestors ,and about 1327A.D,  he started by capturing the fort of  Mandrael, and gradually took possession. of most of the country  formerly held by Tahan Pal . In 1348 AD, he founded the present capital, Karauli Town .

About a hundred years later, Mahmud I of Malwa is said  have conquered the country, and to have entrusted it to his son Fidvi Khan.  In the reign of Akbar (1556-1605) the State becam   incorporated in the Delhi Empire, and Gopal Das, probably the most famous of the Rulers of Karauli, appears to have been in  considerable favour with the emperor. He is mentioned as commander of 2,000, and is said to have laid the foundations of the Agra fort at Akbar's request . On the decline of the Mughal power the State was so far subjugated by the Mahrattas that they exacted from it a tribute of Rs 25,000, which, after a time, was commuted for a grant of Machilpur and its dependencies. 

Modern Period---

By the treaty of November 9th, 1817, with the East India Company, Karauli was relieved of the exactions of the Mahrattas and taken under British protection, no tribute was levied, but the Maharaja  was to furnish troops according to his means on the requisition of the British Govern- ment . In 1825, when the Burmese War was proceeding, and Bharatpur was preparing for defence under the usurpation of DuraJan Sal, Karauli sent troops to the aid of the latter, but on the fall of that fortress in 1826 the Mahataja made professions of submisssion.

The next event of any importance was the famous Karauli adoption case .Narsingh Pal, a minor, became Ruler in 1850 , and died in 1852, having adopted a day before his death a distant kinsman, named Bharat Pal. It was first proposed to enforce the doctrine of lapse, but finally the adoption of Bharat Pal was recognised .In the meantime a strong party had been formed in favour of Madan Pal, a nearer relative , whose  claim was supported by the opinions of the several Rulers in Rajputana. An enquny was made and it was ascertained that the adoption of Bharat Pal was informal, by reason of the minority of Narsingh Pal and the omission of certain necessary ceremonies . As Madan Pal was nearer of king than Bharat Pal and was accepted by the Ranis, by nine of the most influential Thakurs, and by the general feeling of the country , he was recognised as ruler in 1854.During the Mutny of 1857 ,he evanced a loyal spirut 

and sent a body of troops against the Kotah mutineers, and for these services he was created a G.C.S.I, the debt due by him to the British Government was remitted, a dress of honour conferred and the Salute of the Maharajas of Karauli was permanently increased from 15 to17 guns.The usual Sanad guarnttecing the previlege of adoption to the rulers of this State was granted in 1862 and it is remarkable that the last  eight Rulers have all succeeded by adoption .

Ruler Of the State Karauli -- --

His Highness Maharaja Bhanwar Pal Deo Bahadur Yadukul Chandra Bhal was born on the 24th February 1864.His father was Thakur Durjan Pal of Pardampura.

He was succeeded to the Gaddi of Karauli on the 14th August 1886 by

adoption from the Bapoti House at Hadoti by His Highness the late Maharaja Arjun Pal. The Maharaja, who has no relatives nearer than cousins.


Maharaja  Bhanwar Pal has been married six times (1 ) on 5th July 1879 to the daughter of  Ajeet Singh of Koela in Kota in the Hara family, (2) on the 3rd December1880 to the daughter of Raja Kushal Singh of Khandela in

Jaipur of the Shaikhawat family

 (3) on the 2nd May 1889 to the daughter of Thakur Ajeet Singh of Mandwa in Jaipur, also of the Shaikhawat family.

(4) on the 29 th June 1898 to the daughter of Raja Akhey Singh of Banera in Mewar, after the death of his first wife which took place in 1897.

 (5) on the 20th January 1900 to the daughter of Raja Bijey

Singh of Sheopur, Baroda (in Central India .

 (6) on 19th May 1902 to the daughter of Raja Rup Shah of Jagmanpur in the United Provinces.

The last four of these ladies are still alive.

Social Work in State----

Maharaja  Bhanwar Pal also worked for the State's development. In 1905 CE (Vikram Samvat 1962), a middle school for girls, 5 middle schools for boys and 6 primary schools were opened where a total of 560 children were under study. Roads across the State were improved, and drains were made on both sides. A settlement pertaining to the exchange of prisoners was reached between Gwalior and Karauli on August 3, 1887 CE. Separate hospitals for women and men were constructed as was main hospital called King General Silver Jubilee Hospital. A bridge costing Rs. 38,000 was built and a building for a high school was also constructed. The state now had 52 units / provinces. An infantry called Bhanwar Infantry was formed in 1922 CE (Vikram Samvat 1979) and only Rajputs were admitted in it. 

In 1904 CE, certain lands were ceded by the Karauli State to the British free of charge for the construction and operation of Nagda Mathura Railway. British currency came to be introduced in the State in 1906 CE, in place of the State coinage. The same year saw debts again rising and control again fell in the hands of the Political Agent. 37 In Vikram Samvat 1964, a border dispute arose between Gwalior and Karauli. It was settled through British mediation and the report brought out by the agent ruled in favour of Karauli. In Vikram Samvat 1970, the Maharaja sent 500 soldiers from his army to support the British in the First World War. The Maharaja passed away in Vikram Samvat 1985. In Vikram Samvat 1978, his queen established a bank in his name to promote local.

To be Knights Grand Commanders--

His Highness Maharaja Bhanwar Pal was created a K.C.l.E. on January 14 , 1894, and promoted to be a Knight Grand Commamler of the Most Eminent Order on June 22, 1897. The Queen has been graciously pleased on the occasion of the celebration of the completion of the Sixtieth Year of Her Majesty's Reign, to make the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire to His Highness Sir Bhanwar Pal Deo Bahadur Yadukul Chandra Bhal, Maharaja of Karauli, K.C.I.E.

Area and Army of State---

The area of Karauli is 1,260 square miles, and the population, accord- ing to the census of 1891, ie 156,587, The revenue from all sources is about Rupees 4,05,000. The military force of the State consists (1890) of 281 cavalry, 1,640 infantry, 10 guns classed as serviceable, and 162 artillerymen.

These figures include irregulars. The Chief receives a salute of 17 guns.


 The family banner is coloured yellow. 

Residence-- Karauli, Rajputána

Hunting of Tigers---

The total tigers which fell by  Maharaja Bhanwar Pal's Gun since he ascended the Gaddi of Karauli in 1886 ,is 209 which is a record.


Maharaja Bhanwar Pal ji having died on the 3rd August 1927.

The Nearest Relatives of Maharaja Bhanwar Pal ----


     Bhairon Pal of Pardampura , has three sons,

1-Gobind Pal 

2-Manga Pal has three sons ,Arjun Pal ,Durjan Pal ,Sujan Pal.

3-Padam Pal 

1- Gobind Pal --Narayan Pal --Maharaja Jaisingh Pal.

2-Manga Pal 

A --Maharaja Arjun Pal

B-Durjan Pal --Maharaja Bhanwar Pal (adopted by Maharaja Arjun Pal)

C-Sujan Pal -Bhom Pal (Rao of Hadoti),Moti Pal (Thakur of Pardampura ).

3-Padam Pal 

A-Ratan Pal -, has one son Sujan Pal -, has son ,Jasraj Pal (Jaswant Pal )

B-Jatan Pal ,has four sons,

1-Surjan Pal,has three sons, a-Gajraj Pal,b-Sarwar Pal ,c-Kanchan Pal 

2-Suraj Pal

3-Chiman Pal

4-Chhatar Pal 

Marriage Relations with other Ruling States----

The ruling family of Karauli is connected by marriage with Jaipur, Bundi, Kotah and Sirohi.

In 1782, a daughter of Maharaja Manik Pal was married to Maharaja Pratap Singh of Jaipur . In 1785  anoter daughter of Maharaja  ManikPal  was married to Rao Raja Bishan (Singh of Bundi.A daughter of Maharaja Pratap Pal (1839-53) was married to Chhatar Sal of Kota in 1804,. Maharaja Madan Pal (1854-69) married a daughter of the then  Rao of Sirohi in 1865.

The leading personages of Karauli State--- 

Nobles and Sirdars ---

Karauli nobles  who are divided into Thikanedars, Bapotidarsand other  hereditary office bearers and other officials.

The feudal aristocracy of the State consists of the Jadon Thakurs connected with the ruling house.

These pay as tribute a fixed sum, which, though nominally one fourth of the produes of the soil, is in reality much less than half the share paid by common landholders. This tribute is in lieu of constant military service which is not performed in Karauli. case of military emergencies or State pageants, the Thakurs and Jaginlars come in with their reteiners, who, on these occasions, are maintained at the expense of the Darbar, but on ordinary occasions they attend the Darbar at their own expense. The Thakurs families (Kotries) paying tribute are thirty-seven in number of which those of Hadoti, Amargarh, Rawantra, Inaiti, Bhartun and Pardampure are known as Thikanedars.The remainder are styled Bapotulars.

The other families of nobles are

of little importance and belong chefly to the Hari Das and Mukand Kotris or to the Pal family. Succession is generally by primogeniture, but by custom a Thakur on succeeding to the estate is bound to assign grants of land for maintenance to his younger brothers.In some cases estates are equally divided among all sons and in others partition takes place, the eldest receiving a double share.The Nobles, though for the most part illiterate, are a powerful body in the State and have till quite recent  time frequently defied the authority of the Darbar.

The Nobles and Sirdars of Karauli State----

(1) Rao Bhom Pal , a Jadon Rajput, born on 18th June 1866, is a Tazimi Sirdar, and was formerly a Member of Council.He was a leading Sirdar in the Karauli State.On the failure of

direct issue to the Ruler, the Rao of Haroti is regarded as heir to the gaddi. He has a son Rajkumar Ganesh Pal , who was born on 3rd February 1906, and HeWas studied at the Mayo College, Ajmer.

(2) Thakur Kulbhan Chand ,a Jadon Rajput ,was a Tazimi Sirdar ,and next in ranks and dignity to the Rao of Hadoti .He was born on 20th August 1880.

The first Thakur of Amargarh

was Amar Man, son of Raja Jagman, who succeeded to the gaddi of Karauli in Samvat 1662, corresponding to 1605 A.D.Amar Man  was  said to have gone to Delhi and to have obtained a command of horse from the emperor.

(3)Thakur Dhujraj Pal , a jadon Rajput was a Tazimi Sirdar ,the late thakur Harnath Pal by whome he was adopted,died in 1894.Dhujraj Pal was the son of Gajaraj Pal of Badoda in Karauli State brother of Harnath Pal.Thakur of Ramanthra was third in rank.The first Thakur of Rawantra was Bhoj Pul, son of Raja Dharam Pal, who succeeded to the gaddi of Karauli in 1644 A. D.

The Thakur of Rawantra claims equality with the Thakur of Amargarh in rank and dignity.

(4).Thakur Moti Pal, a jadon Rajput was borned on the 5th March 1876. He was a Tazimi Sirdar. He was cousin of the present Maharaja and

younger brother of Rao Bhom Pal of Haroti (No. 1). He was educated at the Mayo College, Ajmer.

(5) Thakur Sujan Pal , a Jadon Rajput, was  a Tazimi Sirdar.

(6) Raja Bahadur Lakhapat Singh ,a Hindu Tanwar RajputTazimi Sirdar and hold the hereditary Title of "Raja Babadur" from the Darbar.His father ,Bhagwan Singh , died in July 1892.

Birakhbhan Singh, grand father of Lakhapat Singh , originally came from Gwalior granted Pahargarh to him   for his life. His estate yields an annual income of Rs . 8,000. He is Superintendent of the Charity Department.

(7) Thakur Bishal Singh , a Hindu Khawaswal of Bar Gujar clan of Rajpute, is a Tazimi Sardar. He was once a Member of Council.

The most prominent of the non-hereditary officials ---

(1) Kunwar Dhyan Pal Singh B A , of Kotla Jadon Estate in United Provinces was the Chief Member of the Council .He tendered his resignation  and left Karauli on 15th April  1906.

(2) Rao Sahib Pandit Shankar Nath , a Brahman, is the Chief Member of Council. He was for sometime Secretary to the Walterkrit Hitkarni Sabba, Abu. The title of Rao Sahib was conferred on him by the British Government on the 3rd June,1924.

(3) Rai Sahib  Babu Jugal Kishor B.A., à Hindu Kayastha, was born on Ist May 1876. He was a resident of the United Provinces where he was a landholder. He joined the State service in 1903 and has held the post of (I) Head Master of the High School and (2)Private Secretary to His Highness  the Maharaja .He was Central Famine Officer in 1918-19 and is now Home Member of Council .He is Secretary, Local Soldiers' Board, and Honorary Secretary, Red Cross Society and St. John Ambulance Association, Local Branch.

The title of Rai Sahib was conferredo

n him by the Brifish Government on the 4th June 1921.

(4) Munshi Mohammad Ziauddin Khan  ,  a Pathan, is resident of Delhi. He joined the State Service in 1882.He is Hakim Adalat (Judicial Officer), Superintendent of Police and also Registrar.

(5) Docter Bhawani Singh, a Hindu Kachhwaba Rajput, is Secretary, Municipal Committee, and Medical Advirer to His Highness. He comes from Banda in the United Provinces. He is a Government pensioner and has been in State service since September 1884.

(6)Pandit Raghunath  Prasad  Shastri , B.A., is Private  Secretary  to His Highness the Maharaja and Head master of the Maharaja,s High School.

(7) Thakur Sujan Singh , is Commander-in-Chief of the State Forces.

(8) Dewan Mangi  Lal , is Deputy Collector.

(9) M. Mahabir Sahai , L.M.S., is Assistant Surgeon, attached to the Sadar Dispensary.

(10) Bholanath Chatterji ,Home member of Council .

(11) Captain Ram Charan Singh ,Private Secretary to His Highness 

(12)Rao Bahadur Munshi Damodar Lal ,Chief Member of Council.

(13)Thakur Puran Singh , continued the incharge of the Jail.

(14)Dr Bhawani Singh ,the old Secretary of the Municipal Board


1-Chiefs and Leading Families in Rajputana By C. S. Bayley · 2004,p.

2-The Knights of England

A Complete Record from the Earliest Time to the Present Day of the Knights of All the Orders of Chivalry in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of Knights Bachelors · Volume 1 By William Arthur Shaw · 1906.

3-Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire

Volume 60, 1898.

4-List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages

Issues 2-13 By Rajputana (Agency), Charles Stuart Bayley · 1938.

5-The Golden Book of India. A Genealogical and Biographical Dictionary of the Ruling Princes, Chiefs, Nobles, and Other Personages, Titled Or Decorated, of the Indian Empire. With an Appendix for Ceylon

By Sir Roper Lethbridge · 1900.

6-A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and Sanads Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries

Volume 3

By India. Foreign and Political Department · 1892.

7-Portraits in the India Office Library and Records

By India Office Library and Records, Pauline Rohatgi · 1983.

8-Who was who

A Companion to Who's Who, Containing the Biographies of Those who Died, 2002.

9-The London Gazette


10-Who's who

Volume 58, 1906.

11-First Report of the Royal Commission on Opium

With Minutes of Evidence and Appendices... · Volumes 3-4


12-The India List and India Office List for ...

By Great Britain. India Office · 1819.

13-The King's Indian Allies

The Rajas and Their India

By St. Nihal Singh · 1916.

14-Memoranda on Native States in India, Together with a List of Independent Ruling Chiefs, Chiefs of Frontier States, and Other Notables with Their Proper Forms of Address,1911.

15-The Indian Year Book

Volume 12, 1925.

16-The Rajputs: a Fighting Race

A Short Account of the Rajput Race, Its Warlike Past, Its Early Connections with Great Britain, and Its Gallant Services at the Present Moment at the Front

By Jessrajsingh Seesodia · 1915

17-The Ruling Chiefs, Nobles and Zamindars of India

Volume 1

By A. Vadivelu · 1915

18-Directory and Year Book Including Who's who,1920.

19-Who's who in Japan

Volume 5,1911.

20-History of Shekhawats

By Ranbir Sinh · 2001.

21-Who's who in India, Containing Lives and Portraits of Ruling Chiefs, Notables, Titled Personages, and Other Eminent Indians


22-The Rulers of India and the Chiefs of Rajputana, 1550 to 1897

By Thomas Holbein Hendley · 2001

23-A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads, Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries,Volume 3,By India. Foreign and Political Dept, Sir Charles Umpherston Aitchison ·

24-History of the Delhi coronation durbar held on the first of January 1903 to celebrate the coronation of His Majesty King Edward VII, Emperor of India

By Stephen Wheeler · 1991.

25-Constitutional Development of Eastern Rajputana States

By D. D. Gaur · 1978.

26-Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, ʻOmān, and Central Arabia: Historical. 4 v

By John Gordon Lorimer · 1970

27-Imperial Gazetteer of India

Provincial Series · Volume 23,


28-Provincial Series

Central Provinces, 1908.

29-A History of Rajasthan

By Rima Hooja · 2006.

30-Gazetter of the Karauli State by Captain Percy .W .Powlett.,1874,

31-Mediaeval History of Rajasthan: Western Rajasthan

By Rajvi Amar Singh · 1992,p.1396

32- Rajputana -Ka-Itihas by J.S.Gahlot.

33-Reports on the administration of the Karauli State for the Sambat year (1902-1903 to 1928-29 A .D.)Rajasthan Archives Bikaner.

Auther-Dr Dhirendra Singh Jadaun

Village-Larhota ,Sasni 

Distt.Hathras (U.P)

Principal Government Post Graduate Girls College ,Sawaimadhopur Rajasthan.


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